Well, come!

 Oh, uh, hey there!

Sorry, I was busy…doing something…over here.

Alright, you caught me, trying to make a giant welcome sign out of cereal boxes. I ran out of duct tape and the wind caught hold of it and now it’s gone sailed away. sigh

On another note, I’ve got a fantastic idea for a cheap flying machine.
Well you’re here now and I’m pleased as a platypus on weird animal day. You may be wondering why you are here, or where it is you’ve arrived. As well you should. Rest easy, friend, all will be explained, at some point. 

First, a question: what if?
Yes, I said, what if?
Why? Because it is one of the most powerful questions we can ask.
What if the sky were green and the grass blue? What if we knew what would happen tomorrow? What if the Big Rock Candy Mountain really did exist? What if we grew all our own utensils? What if we had a cure for every disease? What if the “lunch special” was all the time every day? What if people never stopped growing? What if milk didn’t go bad and it gave you night vision? I think you get the eye-dea.

Unlike “if only,” a thought connected to regret, “what if” is an opportunity to imagine, to hope—it opens a door to endless possibilities. Sure, it’s not the finish line, but it’s a fantastic place to start. From that one question you can begin to ask other questions, ones that lead to answers you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

How about this: what if there was a place you could go to learn and grow creatively? Now that, my compadre, is a most excellent question. As you’d expect, I’ve got the answer. Even better: you don’t even have to look for it because you’re already here! Was that confusing? Well hold on tight, because the ride just started.

Fact is, we could all use a little more creativity in our lives, from little nippers to aged folken, from Presidents to stay-at-home parents, from beggars to CEOs—and everyone left, right and in between. There is not an idea, problem, task or dream out there that can’t be improved with a helping of creative influence.

You, friend, were made to create—born to be a creative. There is a cost to neglecting such a gift, and not just a personal one—everyone else misses out when you ditch your creativity by the curb. Don’t believe me? Stick around, you’ll see.

Creativity, when you learn to look for it, can be found anywhere and everywhere. When we recognize, appreciate and practice it, we reap the benefits, we become part of something great. In its truest form, creativity is endless. It endures. It prevails. It increases. Creativity never dies. Instead, it changes and causes change.

I implore you: stay a while, join the conversation. When at last you must leave (such sweet sorrow it will be), I hope you depart feeling just a tad (or even a ton) more creative. And then I hope you come back for more.

Maybe you're wondering, what is all this really about anyhow? It's an invitation to come along on a journey. I'll admit it, I don't like to travel alone. I'm prone to get lost. But together, I think we can get to places we never could on our own.

What do you say? Let's grow creatively together. Let's make everything just a little better (and more interesting) than it was yesterday.

If you’re still wanting to learn yourself something more about this site, check out my first post.