[original photo by lalesh aldarwish]
If you’ve read the little tagline under the main page banner, it lists story, art, game and life as categories of discussion. Well, we’re gonna talk about games today. Gamers specifically.
I think gamers often get a bad rap (and I don’t mean Vanilla Ice) as the term “gamer” has a lot of negative connotations to it. Then again, gaming has become so pervasive in our culture, it’s hard to find anyone who isn’t involved in some sort of gaming activity on a regular basis. Be it mobile games, console games, board games, sports or WarGames (hey, it’s still a great movie), just about everyone has some attachment to gaming.
But gamers are different, they are the dedicated, the ones who have made gaming a lifelong pursuit. Typically, this label is reserved for people who play video games, but the“video games” category itself sure has changed since the Atari.
Now, I’ve got a lot of mixed feelings about video games. I mean, I absolutely love them but also feel like they can be a total waste of my time if I’m not careful. Let’s shelve that convo for another day.
Back to gamers. They’re dedicated to games in a way most people aren’t. Are there dangers to such a lifestyle? Sure, as with any hobby or activity which can become an obsession, but I also see the potential for good in gamers. Consider the following quote by Justin Gary, maker of the card games Ascension and Solforge.
“I’ve been a gamer my whole life and I know what it means to commit to a collectible game. The reason I played Magic for so many years wasn't just because it was a good game or because I got to travel around the world playing on the Pro Tour. The main reason I stuck with the game is because of the friendships I made and the experiences that we got to share together playing a game we love. I make games with the hope of providing that experience for others. Solforge only survives because of the strength of the gameplay and the bonds created amongst our community.”
To be fair, my interests in both of his games have decreased dramatically lately (though I used to really enjoy them). However, his quote is one reason I love board games so much: the sense of community they bring. If gamers let the games they play lead to real and healthy relationships, I think that’s a pretty good thing. So let the games continue, but hey, try to take a break now and then to work on your own creative product instead of just enjoying someone else’s. And maybe get a little more sleep while you’re at it.
Hey Creatives, what have been your experiences with gaming? What advantages or dangers do you see in that field of entertainment? Let us know in the comments below.