DREAMVERSE 03 - Dream City

I swear I’ve been here before…

That lonely lamppost by the canal, standing resolute.

That distant, weathered castle, presiding over the town as a grandmother with her offspring.

Even this park bench, waiting here for me like an old friend.

But it’s all so different now. The lights, illuminated. The air, swirling mists of magic.

Everything ephemeral and yet more real than ever.

I know I can’t stay long—even now reality hunts me, seeking to bring me home. Back where I belong.

So, instead of rushing, exploring, gallivanting in some mad dash, I will sit and wait—just take it all in.

Ahh, it is truly lovely.

It’s already beginning to fade—a dewdrop in morning’s light.

Maybe I’ll find this place again, someday, with my eyes closed and my mind opened.

This time, I’ll remember.