Town Ship - part 1 - Introduction


I haven’t been writing here as much for a couple of game-related reasons:

  1. I’ve been spending a lot of time working on my latest board game: Town Ship

  2. I’ve been involved in an online course: Think Like A Game Designer Mastery Course, run by Justin Gary of Stone Blade games.

I’ll talk more about the course itself after I’ve completed it, though I will say the biggest highlight has been the community. A major part of the group involves participating with with a community of like-minded game designers: both in discussion and playing and giving feedback on each other’s games. Good stuff!

However, even before taking the course, I’d been working on Town Ship for a few months. It’s by far the most complicated and challenging game I’ve yet tackled. Still, I’d say it’s only a midrange game in difficulty, relatively speaking. I’m just used to working on lighter, simpler fare.

All this to say, after many sleepless nights, Town Ship is finally in a good place where I’m actually happy with how the game plays. Since I’ve learned so much during the creation process on this one, I plan to start a designer’s journal, sharing a distilled form of some of the lessons that have come out of it.

While some of these lessons may be specific to game design itself, I imagine many of them will easily translate to the creative process as a whole. I look forward to sharing them with you soon(ish)!