The Wanderer's Guide

The Wanderers Guide.png

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve taken a bit of a break from posting. There are many reasons for this, and I’m not even sure I’m fully aware of all of them.

Worry you not, I haven’t given up or anything. I’m just reassessing some things and figuring out what is the best use of my time and this website. If you’ve got ideas toward that end (and things you’d like to see more of from me), I’d be oh so happy to hear your thoughts.

In the meantime, I wanted to share a very cool project my artist buddy Andrew Bosley has been working on…

The Wanderer's Guide

Is it a book of exploration? You might say that.

Is it like a fantasy Hitchhiker’s Guide in art form? Um…maybe?

Is it super fantastic and beautiful? You betcha!

I’ll borrow the words of the creators:

It’s an immersive fantasy atlas featuring multiple perspectives. Ranging from breathtaking world views, intricate city designs, to detailed building interiors.

Whether or you’re into tabletop RPGs, if you like imaginative landscapes, structural design, and character design then I think you’re really gonna dig this. I bought 42 of them just for me. Or something like that.