DREAMVERSE - 47 Man of Stone

A man of stone upon the hill
Rests there, as a statue, still
Though his crown was once a home
It’s now bereft of flesh and bone
Ere since his lack of fellowship
He into a slumber slipped
Dreaming dreams of hearth and talk
And times before when he would walk
Over valleys, through the clouds
Pausing for the marveled crowds
Alas, such days are ages gone
And so, for now, he slumbers on
Until some wondering passerby
Does chance to stop and climb inside
Oh, happy day, again he’ll wake
Up with a shout, the earth to shake
For then, at last, he’ll hold a friend
And thus become a home again

rain, nature, rocks, poem, stone
DREAMVERSE - 62 As Rain Falls
rain, nature, rocks, poem, stone
rain, nature, rocks, poem, stone