DREAMVERSE 21 - Urban Growth

They say the city grew from the tree and the tree from the city.
Strange as that sounds, there is a truth to it.
The great tree, once rich with life and fruit, fed and sheltered the people as they expanded further from its shade.
The people, in turn, did all they could to protect and nourish the tree, even pumping water to it from far away.
And so the city flourished and the tree continued to stretch upward, far above the skyscrapers.
But nothing grows forever—neither tree nor city.
This rare breed of flora now enters a new and unknown stage.
Its bark becomes stony and jagged as its roots wither into thin, red strands.
Thousands of admirers flock to the tree, resting again beneath its leafy boughs as they once had ages hence.
There they wait, in hopes of a new beginning, in honor of a rare and happy partnership.